Smart lamp box design is exquisite.The lamp post is easy to assemble and unload.Smart street lamp includes all kinds of smart devices such as touch screen, street lamp charging pile, gateway and USB charger.While meeting the functional needs of a smart city, it also brings a scientific and modern atmosphere to the city.Multifunctional rod body is simple and generous, with the most basic round rod, square rod as the main form.The multi-function bar is equipped with different accessories in different roads and environments to make it functional. The chute design is convenient for installation and disassembly. The modular design enables each accessory to match with different rods.The combination of various ways to meet the needs of today's road, such as courtyard lights, street lamps can be loaded road flags, bonsai, garbage cans, lights, seats, billboards, electronic eyes and other ancillary components.It can be used in residential area, factory area, square, park, parking lot and city main road.
- 内嵌智能调光模块
- 实现二次节能信息发布
- 控制与信息传输
- 智慧主控,集成屏控、灯控、采集功能、WiFi热点、5G信号基站
- 信息采集
- 130万彩色户外摄像头,可云台控制
- 集成环境检测传感器,可实时监测PM2.5/温湿度/大气压/风速风向/噪声
- 集成RFID阅读头,配备RFID标签卡,实录市政设备与人员监控
- 应急电源
- 内嵌7kW电动汽车交流充电桩
- 智慧路灯控制软件
- 集成智慧照明控制、信息采集、信息发布和应急呼叫等多种功能
- 实现各个设备的联动控制,可预设多种场景模式
- 实现历史数据查询,包括灯状态、节能情况、环境参数和视频数据等
- 实现多种紧急异常状态的自动报警功能
- 实现人、车流密度检测